Saturday, July 16, 2011

Apple releases iOS 4.3.4, Still Signing 4.3.3

The game of cat and mouse continues....Devs vs. Apple... Apple released iOS 4.3.4. This update closes the exploit.

***iPAD 2 OWNERS: is the only working Jailbreak for iPad 2 and ONLY on iOS 4.3.3, STAY AWAY FROM 4.3.4***

4.3.4 is already Jailbroken using Redsn0w and PWNage, but is a TETHERED JAILBREAK, and currently recommended for Kernal hackers only. These methods do not work on iPad 2.

Tweets are coming through saying "DO NOT expect an UN-Tethered Jailbreak anytime soon" for 4.3.4. With iOS 5 right around the corner, any known exploits need to be saved.....

As of 7:30 AM CST, Apple was still signing 4.3.3, so this is your last chance to update to 4.3.3....

To do this, download the appropriate version of 4.3.3 here.

Plug in your device, launch iTunes, then power off your device.

Put your phone in DFU Mode. Click here for details on how to do it.

Once in DFU Mode, hold the left SHIFT key and click on RESTORE. From here, select the 4.3.3 IPSW you downloaded above.

If it's too late and iTunes is no longer will be S.O.L. IF YOU DO not have the appropriate SHSH blobs to do this manually.

For those of you who might need the procedure to down grade from 4.3.4 and you have your 4.3.3 SHSH Blobs saved to Cydia, follow this link to, as always, the have a great tutorial.

Now hurry up and see if you can get your device to 4.3.3 while Apple is still signing.

Don't forget to check the blog archives for other useful tips and tricks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Updated for Verizon & stuck at logo fix

Moments ago, Comex tweeted that has been updated to fix the Verizon iPhone stuck at logo issue after using the site to JB.
If your Verizon iPhone is stuck at the boot logo after using the, simply restore and jailbreak with the updated site.
If you have not backed up your device and do not want to restore for fear of losing data, try Comex's fix here:

There is also an essential update in Cydia if you jailbroke your device prior to this evening.  Just launch Cydia and you will be notified of the update.

Sent from my iPad

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Over 2000 Hits


Thank you to my readers and followers on Facebook and Twitter.

Today, passed 2000 hits for the year.  Not a huge landmark, but considering I'm just having fun posting every couple weeks and promoting only on Facebook and Twitter....that is way awesome.  Best part, the blog rec'd well over 1000 hits in the past two months alone!!!!!

Way cool to see hits from Japan, Germany, Australia, France, Portugal, Israel, and other countries.

Keep reading and I'll keep posting.

Don't forget to check the blog archives for useful tips and tricks.

Thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!!

follow @brucetdoesit on Twitter for the latest Nerd Worthy News

If you find any of my posts useful, pay it forward.

Enable Multitasking Gesutures on iPad 2

Update 1/14/2012, no longer needed if you are on iOS 5, Multitasking Gestures is enabled on stock firmware.

Now that we have Jailbroken our iPad 2's, time for tweaks!!!

The first tweak I want to show you is Multitasking Gestures.  This is cool.  You can use four fingers and swipe in an upward direction on your iPad screen and it opens the app switching pane, swipe down and close it.  Swipe left or right to switch between apps, pinch screen to close apps.  It's awesome.  This tweak should work on the original iPad and iPhone as well.

Here's a video demo of what you can do with this tweak, from Engadget:

You will need to have a Jailbroken iPad and the iFile app from Cydia.  You can also perform this tweak using  WinSCP.

1. Open iFile and navigate to Applications/
2. Tap on General.plist and select text viewer, the select edit.
3. You will find two locations were Multitasking is spelled incorrectly as "Mutltitasking".  Use the search function to find Mutlitasking.  Simply correct both misspelled words to Multitasking.
4. Save and reboot device.

You will now find the multitasking option in the native Settings app.

And that's how Bruce T does multitasking gestures.  Awesome.


follow @brucetdoesit on Titter for the latest Nerd Worthy News

If you find any of my posts useful, pay it forward.

Jailbreak all 4.3.3 iDevices including iPad 2

Comex has launched for all devices. This is the easiest, fastest jailbreak ever. And it works for iPad 2.

Simply open Safari on your device and navigate to

Click on "Free", then "Install".....done....Just like this easy, a caveman can do it.

Here is a screen shot from my freshly Jailbroken iPad 2.

Known issues with are:

iPad Camera Connection Kit stops working and BiteSMS crashes device and puts it into an infinite boot loop. Click HERE to read more.

Jailbreaking with any method on all devices disables DRM content in iBooks and disables the latest version of Time Warner's TWCable TV apps.

To fix iBooks:

1.Open Cydia and and add the repo source

2. Install iBooks Fix.  Done.

To fix the TWCable TV app:

Install FakeTimeWarner(FTW) available in Cydia

Comex is releasing a patch to fix the Camera Connection Kit via Cydia very soon.

Thanks to Comex and the Dev community for all the hard work and effort that goes in to keeping our iDevices Jailbroken!!!!!!


follow @brucetdoesit on Titter for the latest Nerd Worthy News

If you find any of my posts useful, pay it forward.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

NERD ALERT: JailbreakMe 3.0 to be released in hours....

We interrupt this vacation to bring you a special NERD ALERT:

According to various Tweets, Comex is about to release JailbreakMe 3.0---the long awaited web based 4.3.3 jailbreak for all devices INCLUDING IPAD 2!!!!!!


Start backing up and preparing your iPad 2!!!!!!

I will be jailbreaking from the nearest WIFI hot spot later this week. I like to let a few days go by just in case unexpected bugs arise.


As always, follow @brucetdoesit on Twitter for the latest nerd worthy news back to vacation already in progress.....

This NERD ALERT was posted via email....Blogger doesn't play well with Safari.

Sent from my iPad