Simply open Safari on your device and navigate to
Click on "Free", then "Install".....done....Just like this easy, a caveman can do it.
Here is a screen shot from my freshly Jailbroken iPad 2.
Known issues with are:
iPad Camera Connection Kit stops working and BiteSMS crashes device and puts it into an infinite boot loop. Click HERE to read more.
Jailbreaking with any method on all devices disables DRM content in iBooks and disables the latest version of Time Warner's TWCable TV apps.
To fix iBooks:
1.Open Cydia and and add the repo source
2. Install iBooks Fix. Done.
To fix the TWCable TV app:
Install FakeTimeWarner(FTW) available in Cydia
Comex is releasing a patch to fix the Camera Connection Kit via Cydia very soon.
To fix iBooks:
1.Open Cydia and and add the repo source
2. Install iBooks Fix. Done.
To fix the TWCable TV app:
Install FakeTimeWarner(FTW) available in Cydia
Comex is releasing a patch to fix the Camera Connection Kit via Cydia very soon.
Thanks to Comex and the Dev community for all the hard work and effort that goes in to keeping our iDevices Jailbroken!!!!!!
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